Strategic alliances and institutional relationships are central to Wharton’s commitment to excellence in the global business arena.
Our institutional relationship include our alliances with leading global universities such as INSEAD and our shared research initiatives with CERT, to student and faculty exchanges and Wharton Executive Education’s worldwide partnering with organizations and institutions.
Alliances and Collaborations
Wharton-INSEAD Alliance
The Wharton—INSEAD Alliance joins the resources of two world leaders in management education, creating global access to unparalleled business knowledge for students, faculty, and executives worldwide.
Indian School of Business [ISB]
As one of the founding associate schools of ISB in 1996, Wharton has had a significant role in the development of ISB. Wharton maintains a joint research initiative, and many Wharton faculty teach as visiting faculty at ISB.
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)
Wharton and SAIF at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, established a strategic collaboration that includes educational programming, research and other activities to feature faculty from both schools.
Singapore Management University [SMU]
Wharton and SMU established a wide-ranging collaborative agreement in 1999, which continues today to encourage students, faculty and staff at both schools to gain a deeper cross-cultural appreciation of business education. Such activities undertaken include curriculum and course design, faculty development and exchange, and an undergraduate student exchange agreement.
Wharton Tanoto Initiative
The Tanoto Initiative comprises five program components that have been carefully crafted to support efforts of Indonesian universities to meet world-class standards of excellence in education. These programs are aimed at providing a solid platform to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and ideas between the universities and the Wharton School.